Sunday, July 5, 2015

Review on Chronicle

   Now I would personally name this movie, a completely, messed up movie of the year - though it is from 2012, but it probably is in my own watched movies list as one of the most messed up ones.

Why so ? 

Well, the story line seemed to catch my attention quite well at the beginning, even though it did seem a bit odd movie for me to watch. A lot of violence, home violence, abuse etc. The first chapters made me feel really sorry, yet happy at the same time on how the main character's life was unfolding. He made some very important steps towards a more positive future, towards a change in his life. It was really highly valued.

Though with any change or uplifting of a person's personal gifts, the points of effect or influence must most certainly not be left unnoticed. In this movie, the main message seemed to have been rolled around the impact that ignorance of very important influence factors that anyone can have in their personal life. That it is not something that only stays in the influence field of the main character, person himself, but also for quite many around him. And the higher he rises, in his status among other people, the bigger his impact will be. This is how life really works. The way we feel, is how we make other people feel.

The movie's scenery seemed quite interesting, in a sense that at the beginning, I was waiting for a miracle. This miracle happened and I was waiting for another miracle, till this also came. Though the third change, shift of events was not a miracle anymore, but rather a downfall. It was somewhat expected, yet not in the extent that I was really hoping or looking for. Who would want to see pain, or other people experience pain so much anyway ?

The only thing I could see through the series of pain in the end, was just how this movie now, portrayed our strange habit of trying to ease pain with running campaigns against it. Which from the natural perspective, happens to work the other way around. You could see it echoing a lot, a lot, through the whole movie here :

The more the main character or anyone there was trying to push against something they did not want to happen, the stronger and stronger this happening they did not want grew and the more harsh effect it had. It became the most evident in the end though, where the friends of the main character tried to have him to stop or understand the consequences of his attitude, behavior. The more they forced against it, the more they tried talking to him, tried to convince him, tried to get him to stop, the stronger his violent impact got. He was not given time, he was not deprived from his father - who was the main point of influence for him to stop him from moving towards the positive results. Which would have been a turning point for positive change, a solution really.

“Problems cannot be solved with the same mind set that created them.” - Albert Einstein

So, the fact that nobody from the team ever payed attention to this simple factor - the point of influence the main character had and rather tried to stop him, instead of trying to deprive this point of influence from him, was that which grew things closer and closer to the end result we can now see in the movie. Something that was quite inevitable this way.

Though I really liked the ending in a sense, even though it was heartbreaking, sad, awfully painful, the very end again, was somewhat of a fresh start, something to represent the birth of something new. Maybe through a very hard pain, but still, the peace was made.

Also, the turnaround, touched quite deeply our innate deep fear button - death. So the way it ended, was somewhat even refreshing, liberating. Can potentially also work for the benefit of seeing death from a bit different perspective, angle. Though the movie did not touch this topic so thoroughly.

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